Saturday, December 01, 2007


Having a 6 yead old son his past two halloween customes were a power ranger and this year a spider man. THey both had the big muscles as Grant said. Joshua wears them around the house all the time and it is funny seeing him like a mini hercules. WHen he wears the customes he comes up to me and says Daddy feel my big muslces. He loves having the customes so he can have big muscles.

The chapter about moms really made me think. I have always got along with my dad, but I have never had the honest open relationship that i have had and still have with my mom. She is the one person that I know no matter what I do or get yslef into, she will always be there for me, even to this day. I thnk my wife does not like that we are so close. After reading that chapter about that it made me realize why I am so close to her. Like the boy in the chapter who did not tell his mom about a break up, I ran into a situation like that in undergrad. My mom was completly devasted that I did not tell her aobut it when it happened. And the funny thing is, is that she did not like that particlar girl, yet she was still upset that I did not tell her.

My dad was always the one that I could count on to give me an honest answer when it came to my critiqing myself about sports. I would ask him what I could do to improve my game or what ever and he would tell me his opinion. If I was to ask my mom she would be like, you did great...I do not think you colud do any better.

I see my son going to my wife more when he is sad or unhappy. I do not know why he does this, becase I do not think I have ever given him the impression that it is okay to be sad or that is it ok to cry. He does not like me seeing him cry either. He will go behind the chair or completyl into another room just so I do not see him crying.

1 comment:

Roy F. Fox said...

This is one cool photo, and your description of his behavior--and the link to your own mother and father--make it that much more meaningful. You also bring out a positive result of the padded costume--that it's good for imagination and play and makes him feel good and also gives you and him something to talk about.